7 Mantras For Modern Life
Recitation, whether it be of prayers, truths, or mantras, is a powerful form of meditation. It is a practice that can meaningfully shape our reality for the better.
With the help of ancient Buddhist mantras, we’ve developed 7 easy yet effective modern mantras. *If you own a Mala, we encourage you to recite these mantras108 times on each bead.
The goal of these mantras?
To live free from fear & stress.
To live a life of peace & contentment.
*The following mantras are just a few contained in our popular self guided journal, Everyday Enlightenment: Beginnings
1. To combat negative thoughts:
“Today I will make a conscious effort to replace negativity with positivity. ”
To think bad thoughts is easy. If you leave your mind to itself it will spiral down into ever-increasing unhappiness. To think good thoughts however requires effort, discipline, & continual consciousness.
2. To help avoid frustration
“I will not set unreasonable expectations”
Frustration is an unhealthily attachment to people, things or outcomes we wish we could control but can not. Let us free ourselves from stress by removing attachment to outcomes we can not control.
3. To help manage anger
“Anger is a response I can choose not to use”
Anger is an emotion innate to the human condition. We will feel angry sometimes, but we can learn how to express or even transform anger in ways that do not define us but rather assist us.
4. Towards overcoming lonliness / a feeling of disconnection.
“We are all connected in suffering and joy.”
We all experience loneliness. It is a feeling that connects us all. The great thing about loneliness is that it always passes. So remember, be kind to yourself in the meantime.
5. Towards alleviating anxiety
“I have no reason to be anxious, everything always works out the way I want it to.”
Anxiety is best understood as a fear of the unknown. Anxiety has never been able to change one’s circumstance, only positive thoughts and actions can.
6. For managing the difficulties of everyday life.
“When life feels hard I always overcome.”
Life is suffering. However, it is only through suffering that we learn to adapt and grow. It is only through suffering that the Buddha attained enlightenment. Embrace the difficulties of life.
7. To alleviate fear
“My fears are only as strong as I allow them to be.”
Everyone is often so worried about their own fears and problems they couldn’t care less about yours. The less you fear, the less you realize you need to fear.
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