Buddha Bear’s Donation To The Students Of Kathmandu
When you buy a copy of Buddha Bear’s Enlightenment Coloring Book, you also buy a much needed school grade notebook and pencil for an underprivileged student, grades 2-8, in the Kathmandu valley.
We decided to get the ball rolling early. Before we sold even one copy, we headed to "Start Academy." Why this school among the hundreds in Kathmandu? It was Pratista's school, the 10 year old daughter of our Nepal country manager Param. With 163 notebooks and pencils in tow, enough for every student in the school, with presented them to the principle. He graciously adorned us with traditional Nepali welcoming scarfs.
The kids were screaming in excitement, the principle was grinning with appreciation, and we were overcome with the warmth you feel when you know you’re doing something genuinely good.
From the principles office, we headed to Pratista’s classroom. Admittedly, we were a little nervous. This was the first time that kids were going to interact with Buddha Bear’s Enlightenment Coloring Book. However, our nerves quickly dissipated. The students immediately and happily engaged with the story, the question of self reflection, and the coloring portion. Considering these Nepali kids were just 9 and 10 years old, we were more than impressed with their advanced level of English.
The day couldn’t have gone better. We made our first donation, the first of what we hope will be many. We introduced Buddha Bear's Enlightenment Coloring Book to some incredibly intelligent and special kids, and they loved it. Check out the video below to see how it all went down.
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